I bought a coup fly power station a little under two years ago. It stopped working for some reason, and when I emailed them about it, they’re representative Anna, responded very nicely and sent me a brand new unit. This doesn’t happen very often in business. They should be commended
The output is good but achieves 100 watts only in brightest sun directly on panel. This is typical for solar panels. Hold up straps come easily unfastened from snaps. A pain. It was a GIVEAWAY so overall I am happy.
The first charger went bad in less then a year. Ordered this new one and it has a rattle in it like something is loose I suppose it will go bad soon.
I originally purchased this through Amazon. After a few months, it stopped working. Contacted the company and got a replacement. The replacement only worked for a few months before it stopped charging. The display would read 100% while plugged in but won't turn on when not plugged in to a power input. This is not a reliable power station.